
Each piece is hand picked, carefully evaluated for its quality and price and then imported directly from manufacturers from all over Asia. Often we have traveled miles to visit factories, villages and workshops to import authentic and varied furniture and artefacts.
You can browse the site and place a request for an item with a quote. Our stocks are constantly changing and we are adding new pieces almost every quarter. We will check the status of the inventory and respond within 24 hours and also address specific queries. If the item is available, we will be happy to ship it to you within India at an additional shipping cost. The cost will depend on the item and the shipping address.
We will share our bank details and need an advance payment in the form of a wire transfer to ship an order to you. Cheques and credit cards are acceptable too if you reside in the NCR.
We guarantee a 100 % refund in case of any damage during shipping. Each item is insured in transit and professionally packed to minimize damages.
Each item is handcrafted therefore slight variation in colour or look may occur. This is not factory made furniture that follows one cookie cutter model. The beauty in these pieces is the natural grain and look of every piece that renders it unique and one of a kind
We are travelling every 3 months to remote areas to source new and varied products. Our eye for detail is stringent and only when we find "different" items that are attractively priced and make for great accent pieces do we import from those regions. Shortly there will be a new range uploaded with exquisite raintree, teak and suar wood coffee tables and consoles. As well as a range of sculptures in bronze, stone, metal and rock.