Quaint beautiful zen gardens lead the way to timeless homes. Seeped in culture overflowing with rich traditional wares. We are wonder struck at the array of wooden cabinets and chests adorning these homes. Embellished with intricate brass ware and lined with calligraphic rice paper, every piece looks like it has been painstakingly designed as if it was a piece of jewellery. The quality of wood and workmanship is far superior than anything we have seen. Even as we rave about this and inquire where we can buy some pieces, we are met with looks of total surprise! Pretty soon, we discover that Korean furniture is now passe in most local homes. The younger generation is opting for modern styles and one odd utilitarian piece is passed down generations. Why on Earth would we traverse all the way from India to buy this? The quizzical look on our guide is unforgettable! Our love for antiques and traditional wares has sent us on a wild goose chase??! Not on our first foray we pray.
The challenge of finding authentic Korean furniture has only just begun... the next few days are spent driving all over the countryside to antique warehouses, workshops, bustling bazaars overcoming language and cultural barriers, we are learning something every day! Right then, we know we are onto something special...and we learn for ourselves the ethos of our brand, the purpose of every journey...
The joy of discovery, the thrill of the perfect find ... this is the soul of our brand. And our mantra IS simple......
"Never buy to fill a space, invest in something you love.”

You got to change your perspective to find what you want...